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Phone stuck on airplane mode

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For Deep Learning, papers before 2016 are considered to be already old. You know the fundamentals – you’ll better understand recent papers as well. Old highly cited papers usually explain very fundamental concepts that became a basis for more recent research.

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As a starting point, I really recommend you to choose an old and highly cited paper that describes the concept you’re familiar with. If you want your learning to be smooth and stressless, you should find a “good” paper. Today we will discuss how to choose a “good” paper to start with, that will be relatively easy for a beginner we will overview a typical paper structure and where important information is located I’ll give you step-by-step instructions on how to approach the paper implementation and share links that should help you when you get stuck. If you want to be a thinker, understand what is happening inside a black box, boost your creativity or become the first developer who brings recent scientific research into business – this post is for you. By Olga Chernytska, Senior Machine Learning Engineerīeing able to reproduce the latest scientific papers is an extremely competitive skill for a Data Scientist.

Phone stuck on airplane mode