This shall be a mercy
This shall be a mercy

this shall be a mercy

He will incline men to show them mercy and deal kindly with them in this world, and he himself will grant them mercy and loving kindness in the day of final accounts. As they deal with their fellow-creatures, God will deal with them. The merciful, says Erasmus, are those “who, through brotherly love, account another person’s misery their own who weep over the calamities of others who, out of their own property, feed the hungry and clothe the naked who admonish those that are in error, inform the ignorant, pardon the offending and who, in short, use their utmost endeavours to relieve and comfort others.” They shall obtain mercy - When they most need it. Blessed are the merciful - The tender-hearted, compassionate, kind, and beneficent, who, being inwardly affected with the infirmities, necessities, and miseries of their fellow-creatures, and feeling them as their own, with tender sympathy endeavour, as they have ability, to relieve them and who, not confining their efforts to the communicating of temporal relief to the needy and wretched, labour also to do spiritual good to enlighten the darkness of men’s minds, heal the disorders of their souls, and reclaim them from vice and misery, from every unholy and unhappy temper, from every sinful word and work always manifesting a readiness to forgive the faults of others, as they themselves need and expect forgiveness from God.

This shall be a mercy